Magnum Heaters

The “Magnum” is a proven and advanced concept in the frac fluid heating industry. Using Certeks hydronic heating method and a variable flow heat exchanger the Magnum is able to heat fluids of any sort safely and fast, while reducing costs. The Magnum operates at atmospheric pressure virtually eliminating the hazards associated with legacy frac fluid heating equipment and pressurized heating systems. Certeks variable flow system is ideal for heating fluids on the go while maintaining efficiency and full BTU output. The modular design of the system allows the Magnum integrate with any of our other accessories.

Reduce Costs

Fully automated design features enable the Magnum to significantly reduce the cost to heat fluids per BTU. Our output of 12MM BTU/h has comparable results to legacy equipment with higher rated outputs.


Can operate on natural gas, diesel, or propane. Using natural gas can significantly reduce fuel costs. With a flick of a switch, all of Certeks units can use either natural gas, propane, or diesel.

Features and Benefits

Unit operates at atmospheric pressure mitigating risk of explosions and serious burns.

Temperature is operated at a lower rate than conventional hot oilers but with a higher surface contact in the heat exchanger for comparable results when heating fluids.

No downgrade to firing rate of boilers when using natural gas as a fuel source. Boilers maintain a constant BTU/h output regardless of fuel source (ie. diesel, propane, natural gas).

Boilers operate near condensing flue gas temperatures which allow for up to 87% efficiency use of fuels.

No flow rate required on water supply lines to heat exchanger. No damage to heat exchanger in the event of loss of flow from water source. (Patented Device) Water pumping operations have more flexibility to stop and go without damaging heating equipment or giving lengthy advanced notice.

Heat fluids in any type of environment and container, including sea-rings, above ground storage tanks, and dugouts.